söndag 24 juni 2012

Har vi kvack-doktorer i Sverige?

Är du helt klar över om din  läkare har köpt sitt betyg eller
om vederbörande faktiskt studerat medicin?
Vi borde vara säkra på att Socialstyrelsen inte släpper igenom kvackare 
men kan vi verkligen vara det?

Does Your Doctor Have a Fake Degree? The Billion-Dollar Industry That Has Sold Over a Million Fake Diplomas

There is a major crisis in the world of higher education: the large and growing number of fake universities and fake degrees.

Allen Ezell and John Bear

Alter Net News,  13 June 2012
There is a major crisis in the world of higher education: the large and growing number of fake universities and fake degrees.

Many people are either unaware of the situation, don’t know what a huge problem it is, or don’t appreciate how it is affecting them, their institution or employer, and society at large.
Consider, for instance, these five things:

There are more than 3,300 unrecognized universities, worldwide, many of them outright fakes, selling bachelor’s, master’s, doctorates, law, and medical degrees to anyone willing to pay the price. No nation is immune from the problem.

One international diploma mill, with offices in Europe and the Middle East and mailing addresses in the United Kingdom, run by Americans, has sold more than 450,000 degrees—bachelor’s, master’s, doctorates, medicine, and law—to clients worldwide, who did nothing more than write a check. Their revenues exceeded US $450,000,000.

The number of earned PhD degrees in the United States is 40,000 to 45,000 each year. The number of fake PhDs bought each year from diploma mills exceeds 50,000. In other words, more than half of all people claiming a new PhD have a fake degree.

Fake medical degrees are an urgent problem. It is easy to buy a medical degree from a fake school, or a counterfeit diploma in the name of a real school. Twenty-five years ago, a Congressional committee calculated that there were over 5,000 fake doctors in the United States, and there are many more now.

People have died because of these fakes.

Sverige har rapporterat i nyheterna flertalet gånger att dessa doktorer (med falska betyg) även finns att finna i vårt land samt att dessa fortfarande kan arbeta eftersom det tydligen finns någon brist i lagrummen...
Och som grädde på moset vill jag tillägga att vi har över tusen läkarstuderande svenskar som nekas praktikplatser i Sverige bara därför att de är utlandsstudenter. Bättre kvackare än AT, eller?

Vem skall vi lita på?

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